1993.09~1998.07 MD , Taishan Medical College (China), Clinic Medicine
1997.10~1998.03 Government-sponsored International Student, Ehime University School of Medicine. Japan
1998.07~1999.03 Foreigner Researcher, Ehime University, School of Medicine. Japan
1999.04~2003.03 PhD, Ehime University, School of Medicine. Japan
Professional Experiences
2003.04~2004.04 Assistant professor, Ehime University, School of Medicine. Japan
2004.05~2005.12 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center;University of California Los Angeles
2006.01~2012.12 Associate Professor, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital
2013.01~present Professor,Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute& Hospital
Research Focus
Our group mainly focuses on key regulatory factors in development process of malignant tumors. Although multiple important factors were reported to participate in tumors development, highly heterogeneous and complex nature largely contribute to distinct outcomes of patients. Our study is aimed at finding novel more precise biomarkers to evaluate the prognostic features to guide clinical management, as well as discovering the key proteins’ role and related molecular mechanis
Selected Publications(*corresponding author)
(1) Bo Yang, HaoqingDuan, Wenfeng Cao, YuhongGuo, Yanxue Liu, Lin Sun1, Jingyi Zhang, Yan Sun*, Yongjie Ma*. Xp11 translocation renal cell carcinoma and clear cell renal cellcarcinoma with TFE3 strong positive immunostaining: morphology,immunohistochemistry, and FISH analysis. Modern Pathology. 2019;32(10):1521-1535.
(2) Ying Shao, Wei Chong, Xiaoli Liu, Yun Xu, Huikun Zhang, Qiao Xu, ZhifangGuo, Yawen Zhao,Ming Zhang, Yongjie Ma*, Feng Gu*. Alternative splicing-derived intersectin1-L and intersectin1-S exert opposite function in glioma progression. Cell Death and Disease 2019;10(6):431-447. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41419-019-1668-0
(3) Zhang H, Yu F,Qin F, Shao Y, Chong W, Guo Z, Liu X, Fu L, Gu F, Ma Y*. Combination of cytoplasmic and nuclear girdin expression is an independent prognosis factor of breast cancer. FASEB J. 2018, 32(5):2395-2410. https://www.fasebj.org/doi/10.1096/fj.201700825RR
(4) Huikun Zhang, Fengxia Qin, Limin Yang, Jia He, Xiaoli Liu, Ying Shao, ZhifangGuo, Ming Zhang, Wenliang Li, Li Fu, Feng Gu, Yongjie Ma*. Combination of AQP1 and β-catenin expression is an independent prognosis factor in astrocytoma patients. Oncotarget. 2017, 8 (59): 99414-99428. http://www.oncotarget.com/index.php?journal=oncotarget&page=article&op=view&path[]=19562&path[]=62515
(5) Fengxia Qin, Huikun Zhang, Yong Huang, Limin Yang, Feng Yu, Xiaoli Liu, Li Fu, Feng Gu, Yongjie Ma*. Effect of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase single nucleotide polymorphisms on prognosis of breast cancer patients with chemotherapy.Oncotarget.2017,8(67):112060-112075. http://www.oncotarget.com/index.php?journal=oncotarget&page=article&op=view&path[]=23033&path[]=73100
(6) Fengxia Qin, Huikun Zhang, Ying Shao, Xiaoli Liu, Limin Yang, Yong Huang, Li Fu*, Feng Gu*, Yongjie Ma*. Expression of aquaporin1, a water channel protein, in cytoplasmis negatively correlated with prognosis of breast cancer patients. Oncotarget. 2016;7(7):8143-8154. http://www.oncotarget.com/index.php?journal=oncotarget&page=article&op=view&path[]=6994&path[]=19857
(7) Kun Dai, Fengxia Qin, Huikun Zhang, Xiaoli Liu, CaixiaGuo, Ming Zhang, Feng Gu*, Li Fu*, Yongjie Ma*. Low expression of BMPRIB indicates poor prognosis of breast cancer and is insensitive to taxane-anthracycline chemotherapy. Oncotarget.2016;7(4):4770-4784.
(8) Fengxia Qin, Huikun Zhang, Li Ma, Xiaoli Liu, Kun Dai, Wenliang Li, Feng Gu*, Li Fu*, Yongjie Ma*. Low Expression of Slit2 and Robo1is Associated with Poor Prognosisand Brain-specific Metastasis of Breast Cancer Patients. Scientific Reports. 2015;5:14430. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep14430
(9) Gu F, Zhang H, Qin F, Liu X, Li W, Fu L, Ying G, Li B, Zhang M, Ma Y*.Intersectin1-s, A multidomain adapter protein, Is essential for malignant glioma proliferation.Glia. 2015;63(9):1595-1605.
(10) Feng Gu, Li Wang, Jia He, Xiaoli Liu, Huikun Zhang, Wenliang Li, Li Fu, Yongjie Ma*. Girdin, an actin-binding protein, is critical for migration, adhesion, and invasion of human glioblastoma cells. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2014;131(4):457-69.