The 5th International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Treatment of Breast Cancer


  The 5th International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Treatment of Breast Cancer was successfully held in Tianjin, China on November 1 to 3, 2019.  More than 500 experts and delegates from Belgium, Danemark, Korea, and China, participated in this event.

   This Conference brought together outstanding Chinese and International Cancer professionals to deliver keynote presentations and to discuss clinical cases which aimed to generate interaction between oncologists, pathologists, surgeons, and radiotherapists as well as other professionals engaged in treating breast cancer. The academic exchange at the Conference was rich and fruitful, involving both basic and clinical research into Breast Cancer. It showed outstanding achievements in the merging of different fields and the use of novel methods of diagnosis and treatment. This Conference will arouse popular awareness of Breast Cancer, the incidence of which is rising in recent years especially among younger patients. So developing research on diagnosis and treatment of Breast Cancer is  crucially important.

    The conference provided an important platform for learning, sharing and exchanging advanced information on cancer research and treatment among clinicians, researchers, nurses, cancer control advocates and other experienced professionals from China and around the world. All the participants benefited a lot from their experience.