Prof. Liang Han, Director of Dept. of Gastroenterological Cancer of TMUCIH, was invited to the 57th Annual Conference of JSCO

The 57th annual conference of Japanise Society of Clinical Oncology (JSCO) was held in Fukuoka, Japan on October 23-27, 2019. Prof. Liang Han, the Director of Dept. of Gastroenterological Cancer at Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital, was invited to participate in the conference by the JSCO President, Professor Yoshida.  


The theme of the conference was “Tackling the Needs of Society and Medicine”, and this attracted thousands of scholars from Japan, China, South Korea, Europe and United States to attend conference. The Gastric Cancer International Session, held on the morning of Oct. 26th, was a highlight of the JSCO conference. Four internationally outstanding professors in the area of gastric cancer were invited to this session: Prof. Liang Han from Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital, China; Prof. Li Guoxin from Southern Hospital of Southern China Medical University, China; Prof. Noh from Yonsei University, Korea and Prof. Jimmy So from National General Hospital of Singapore, Singapore. Prof. Liang gave a speech on “The clincial value of D2 plus No14v lymph nodedissection in locally advanced gastric cancer” and reported clinical studies and multicenter randomized controlled trials conducted by our department. Under the guidance of Prof. Liang, our Gastroenterological Cancer Department has become one of the highest-volum gastric cancer centers in China. In acknowledgment of his excellent contribution to the gastric cancer field in China, Prof. Liang has been selected to be the President of Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA) Oncology Surgery Committee, the President-Elect of China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA) Gastric Cancer Committee and Vice-President of Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) Gastric Cancer Committee.

On the afternoon of the 26th, Prof. Liang participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS). Prof. Wang Ying, the Secretary-General of CACA, accepted the appointment on behalf of CACA and CSCO. Prof. Li Jin, the Director-General of CSCO, gave a speech about the development of new innovative drugs and clinical research in China. Prof. Liang was also interviewed by the Medical Forum Network allowing him to introduce the indications, clinical value and recent progress of the superior mesenteric lymph node dissection.

For decades, the JSCO has been one of the most influential academic organizations in the international oncology field. Prof. Liang, who was honoured with many gifts, demonstrated the high level of gastric cancer treatment in China, and has issued a clear Chinese voice in the international academic arena, which has enhanced the mutual trust and understanding of international gastric cancer academics. It also helps Chinese researchers to be better participated in international multi-center research and to instill Chinese dynamics into the world cancer prevention in the future.