1986.8 ~ 1991.7 B.M., Faculty of Medicine, Hengyang Medical College, Hunan
2000.8 ~ 2005.7 M.D., Cancer Hospital & Institute, Peking Union Medical College & Chinese Academy of Medical Science. Beijing.
2005.12 ~ Director of Department of Radiation Oncology and Cyberknife Center, Cancer Hospital & Institute, Tianjin Medical University, China.
2005.8 ~ 2005.12 Attending radiation oncologist, Department of Oncology, the 2nd teaching hospital of Hunan Medical University, Changsha city, Hunan province. China.
1997.8 ~ 2000.7 Resident, Department of Oncology, the 2nd teaching hospital of Hunan Medical University, Changsha city, Hunan province. China.
Selected Publications
Zhiyong Yuan, Song Yongchun, Li Fengtong, et al. The Initial report of Cyberknife Radiosurgery treatment for early stage lung cancer. Chin J Radia Oncol, 2008, 17(3):180-183.
Liu XiaoBin, Zhiyong Yuan(Corresponding author), Song Yongchun, et al. An initial report of cyberknife radiosurgery for primary hepatic carcinoma. Chin J Oncol, 2010,32(3):229-233
Zhuang HQ, Wang J, Yuan ZY(Corresponding author), et al. The drug-resistance to gefitinib in PTEN low expression cancer cells is reversed by irradiation in vitro. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Sep 1;28:123.
Zhuang HQ, Sun J, Yuan ZY(Corresponding author), et al.Radiosensitizing effects of gefitinib at different administration times in vitro. Cancer Sci. 2009 Aug;100(8):1520-5. Epub 2009 May 4.
Zhuang HQ, Yuan ZY(Corresponding author).Process in the mechanisms of endostatin combined with radiotherapy. Cancer Letter. 2009 Sep 8;282(1):9-13. Epub 2009 Jan 10. Review.
Zhiyong Yuan, Song Yongchun, Li Fengtong, et al. The Initial report of Cyberknife Radiosurgery treatment for early stage lung cancer in China. The 7th Cyberknife User meeting(Poster).Jan.23, 2008. Phoenix,USA.
Zhiyong Yuan, YANG Wei-zhi, JIN Jing,et al.The radiosensitization of Paclitaxel on Nasopharygneal carcinoma cells (CNE-I) in vitro. Chin J Oncol, 2007, 29(9):649-652.
Zhiyong Yuan, Li Gao, Guozhen Xu, et al. Preliminary results of intensity modulated radiation therapy for untreated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2003;12:21-24.. 2006 Vol.15 No.4 P.237-243.
Zhiyong Yuan, Li Gao, Guozhen Xu,et al. Preliminary results of dynamic perfusion computed tomography in the radiosensitivity for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2004;13 (3):163-168.
Zhiyong YUAN , Yexiong Li, Lujun ZHAO, et al. Clinical features, treatment and prognosis of 136 patients with primary non-Hodgkin′s lymphoma of the nasopharynx. Chin J Oncol, 2004, 26:426-429.
Zhiyong YUAN, Yexiong Li, Ning Lü, et al. Primary Thyroid Lymphoma: a retrospective analysis of prognostic factors and treatment outcome of 32 patients. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2005;14 (3):223-226.
Zhiyong Yuan, Li Gao, Guozhen Xu, et al. The T4 stage hypopharynx carcinoma was cured by radiotherapy alone: a case report. Chin J Otorhinolaryngol, 2003, 38:82.
Zhiyong Yuan, Li Gao, Lühua Wang. Chemotherapy in the treatment of brain metastases of lung cancer. Oncology section of foreign medical sciences. 2002, 29:286-288.
Zhiyong Yuan, Li Gao, Guozhen Xu. Radiation therapy for the low-grade gliomas. Radiology section of foreign medical sciences. 2003, 26: 409-412.
Li Gao, Zhiyong Yuan, Guozhen Xu, et al. Randomized trial on external radiation therapy alone versus external radiation therapy followed by brachytherapy in early stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2004;14:247-251.
Yexiong Li, Yuanhong GAO, Zhiyong YUAN, et al. Prognostic significance of international prognostic index in non2Hodgkin’s lymphoma of Waldeyer’s ring. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2002;11 (2):105-110.
Li Gao, Weizhi Yang, Zhiyong Yuan, et al. Modified Comet assay of radiosensitivity in 105 nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2004;13:39-43.
Lujun Zhao, Yexiong Li, Zhiyong Yuan, et al. Clinical characteristics and prognosis of primary non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the base of tongue. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2003;12:21-24.
Yuanhong Gao, Yexiong Li, Zhiyong Yuan, Lujun Zhao, et al. Prognostic factors in patients with primary non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the tonsil. Chin J Oncol, 2002; 24(5):483-485.
Yuanhong Gao, Weizhi Yang, Jie Yan, Zhiyong Yuan, et al. Comet assay on the radiosensitivity of transplated tumor models in nude mice. Chin J Radiat Oncol, 2004;13(1):48-52.
Yuanhong Gao, Weizhi Yang, Jie Yan, Zhiyong Yuan, et al. Radiosensitivity detected by "comet" assay in two human tumor cell lines. Chin J Oncol, 2004, 26:217-219.
Yuanhong Gao, Yexiong Li, Lujun Zhao, Zhiyong Yuan, et al. Treatment of early stage primary tonsil non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Chin J Hematol. 2003; 24(4):190-192.
Zhiyong Yuan, Weizhi Yang, Li Gao, et al, et al. The radiosensitization of paclitaxel on nasopharygneal carcinoma cells (CNE-I) in vitro. Submitted to Chinese Journal of Oncology.
Zhiyong Yuan, Weizhi Yang, Li Gao, et al. The radiosensitization of paclitaxel on nasopharygneal carcinoma cells (CNE-I) in vivo. Submitted to Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology.